Grow Out

  • Saturday, April 19, 2025
  • 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM
  • TBD



Date and time is tentative as we're waiting to know when the koi can be in Colorado!

If you're a member and are not buying a fish, PLEASE ATTEND this meeting anyway!  It's a great way to enjoy the fun and learn about these cool koi!

This year RnR Koi is helping us get some incredible Gin Rin Showa, that JR is picking up while in Japan in January.

The fish will be quarantined and will be ready for your selection at the event.  You need to make sure you pay ahead of time.

In years past we've had a few fish that were not presold at the event, we can't guarantee that will always be the case and we STRONGLY insist that you pay ahead of time.  This way we can make sure we have enough fish for members (you must be a member) to select from.  Cutoff for orders (which can be made at our website's store, is around the end of January.


· Fish will be available on a first come, first serve basis to RMKC members. 

· Members may purchase multiple fish.

· To hold a fish (which does not guarantee it, see rest of rules) you need to prepay for it via our web site ASAP.  Our website will manage inventory of available fish.


Selection Day

· You MUST be present to claim your fish.

· Prepaid AND present, the fish is yours.

· Prepaid and NOT present, fish goes to anyone present who wants it, if we have multiple people, a drawing will be held to determine who gets it.  Your pre-payment will be refunded.

· If you did not prepay for a fish, you’re present and there is a fish available, you may purchase one (see prior point if we have fewer fish than people wanting one).

· If you’re not able to pay for the fish at time of selection, you do not get a fish.

· Those purchasing a fish will draw a number to determine the order of selection.

· If you’re purchasing multiple fish, you will draw a number for your first fish, everyone else will draw a number, then you can draw for your next fish, etc.

· Any situation not stipulated in the rules will be resolved at the discretion of our President.


2011-2024 Rocky Mountain Koi Club. All Rights Reserved
"Rocky Mountain Koi Club" is a 501(c)4 non-profit organization. 

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