If you've never been to a koi auction you are missing out! This year we're having two! This is our only fundraiser of the year.
NEW FOR 2025 - You can buy a space to setup a table and sell your used equipment! It's only $20 for a spot. Please let us know ahead of time if you want a spot so we have an idea of how much space to set aside.
Bidders registration and sellers who have Koi or other items need to register between 9 and 10 am.
WE NEED VOLUNTIERS!!! We need runners and other general help, please email Chris if you’re able to help!
Bidding will start at 10 or so. We are suggesting sellers donate 50% of the sale to the RMKC. We will be accepting credit cards.
The ends when all fish are sold! In year's past this was between 11:30 and 1.
Koi should be in bags, if you don’t have the ability to do that, we will offer a bagging service for $5/bag. Bags can have more than one fish but each bag will be auctioned with all it’s contents (i.e. if you have 2 fish in there, we won’t auction them separately).
General public is welcomed to attend. Help us out and spread the word and lets see how many people we can get there!
Please park on the street (mind the parking signs) and leave the driveway open for those loading and unloading.
If you have fish to sell or donate but you need help catching them please reach out to someone on the board and we'll see what we can do to help.
2011-2024 Rocky Mountain Koi Club. All Rights Reserved "Rocky Mountain Koi Club" is a 501(c)4 non-profit organization.